Shipedge Version 11.3.2 - Release Notes & UI Changelog

We're excited to announce the release of v11.3.2 šŸŽ‰

Hot on the heels of v11.3.0, this small release includes a new report as well as several improvements to the API v4, OMS, and WMS.

In the coming weeks servers will begin receiving this new version. Keep an eye out for a banner on your server announcing the date and time.

New Features

Oversold Report šŸ“‹

We have added a new Oversold Report to the OMS & WMS. This provides a list of SKUs where the quantity on existing orders exceeds the available quantity in warehouse. This information is very valuable in ensuring that your warehouse is properly restocked to fulfill orders. Learn More


System Wide

  • The ability to filter by Picture was added which allows users to filter by whether or not the SKU contains a picture. This is available in the OMSāžInventory (shown below), WMSāžWarehouse, and WMSāžCatalog views. NOTE: This feature is off by default and turned on by request at no additional charge. Please contact your account manager for more details.
  • Replenishment Report has been improved to better support scenarios where the same SKU is received into multiple bins and includes Lot, Expiration Date, or UOM.

API v4

We've made the following improvements to the OMS API v4:

  • GET/Distribution_Centers was added as a new endpoint. This allows OMS users to retrieve a list of their configured DC's/Hubs with details such as name, supplier ID, and whether it's active or open (based on configured operation hours). This is beneficial for users who are sending orders via API and wanting to manually determine which DC/Hub to send the order to.
  • POST/Orders was updated to include an optional parameter for Destination Hub. This allows you to optionally bypass the routing rules/logic and specify your desired hub. This pairs well with the new GET/Distribution_Centers endpoint in determining where to send the order. Note: This is exclusively for clients utilizing Networking & Routing.
  • GET/Orders was updated to include the Store ID and Integration Name in the Cart section of the payload. This provides additional clarity on the source of the order.


  • Location Type was added to the Locations view as well as the abillity to sort and filter by Type.
  • For bins with an assigned SKU for Min/Max configuration, validations were added for Replenishments, Corrections, and Moves that ensure that a different SKU is not accidentally assigned to the bin.
  • In the WMSāžShipped view, the count of labels waiting to print and getting label was improved to ensure accuracy.
  • Updated the validations for the Merge Orders function so that it will verify the name and the address instead of address only.
  • Daily Inventory Storage and Daily Inventory Changes reports have updated descriptions to clarify how they are calculated.
  • Daily Inventory Changes report had minor updates to change the placement of the Date of Init Qty column and renaming Timestamp column to Date of Final Qty.
  • Added a validation to limit the number of serials being printed at a time (max 20). This change will help prevent scenarios where the file being generated would exceed filesize limits and cause it to error out.
  • The Relocation correction type has been placed under maintenance.
    • A message will appear if attempting to select this when creating a correction. We suggest using Move or equivalent function in the Mobile app until improved functionality is released.


  • A new option has been added for the Magento sales channel to the OrdersāžIntegrations page that allows the user to enable a setting called Default Values. When checked, any order that enters via that channel will have the the value for the corresponding field in the Config Input File applied to the order. Learn More
    • This can be beneficial if there are certain details that you want automatically applied to every order from that channel such as Order Reference (orderRef) or Order Comments (orderComments) and more.
    • IMPORTANT NOTE: This will override any original order fields from the channel and apply the specified defaults. Please carefully consider which fields you apply a default to.
  • When resending webhooks, the system was improved to better handle uncommon characters such as Ć¢, Ć”, Ć , Ć£.

Bug Fixes


  • Fixed an intermittent issue during Replenishment receipt where the username was not displayed when uploading SKUs by CSV or using Selected Into Location.
  • Fixed an issue during Replenishment receipt where LPN's would not populate when using LPN Into Location.
  • Fixed an issue during Replenishment receipt, when using the Add More SKUs function, where the popup window may become unresponsive when sorting by column header.
  • Fixed an issue where the Revert To Procesing action in the Order detail view was not registering in the Activity Log.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause the Locations view to become unresponsive when an incorrect file was used for Upload Sort#.
  • Fixed an issue with Packaging Predictions (by Volume creating Multibox) where ShipReady items were being separated into boxes automatically but the system still prompted actions required.


  • Fixed an issue where a Synset was able to be created with the same name as an Alias or SKU.
  • Fixed an issue during new account registration where certain fields were sometimes incorrectly stating errors or not properly accepting valid inputs.
  • Fixed an intermittent issue in the Orders view where a user would see the wrong Advanced Filters.
Shipedge Version 11.3.0 - Release Notes

We're excited to announce the release of v11.3.0 šŸŽ‰

This release includes several new features such as Unit of Measure and many improvements to WMS and OMS functions such as being able to Unblock a bin from the web interface and improvements to the Ship Method Translator.

In the coming weeks servers will begin receiving this new version. Keep an eye out for a banner on your server announcing the date and time.

Be sure to also check out the v11.3.0 UI Changelog to see updates to the user interface.

āš  IMPORTANT NOTE: Mobile App Version 25.4.0 is required with WMS v11.3.0. After your server has been updated will you need to update your Android devices via the Google Play Store to avoid operational disruptions or errors.

Please only update your app after your server has been updated. If you have updated by mistake before your server is updated, please contact the support team.

New Features

Unit of Measure (UOM) - New and Updated Functionality āš–ļø

We've given UOM a major overhaul! Contact your account manager for information on pricing and activation.

  • OMS & WMS views have been updated to better display UOM Pack details such as unit factor and available quantity. Certain API v4 endpoints have also been updated to display UOM details.
    • Order, Replenishment, and Inventory management functions improved to better support UOM interaction such as linking an Alias to a specific UOM, changing the UOM Pack type upon receipt, or converting an existing Bin with UOM to single units.
    • Break Pack added as a new WMS view. When viewing Pending orders for single units (eaches) and attempting to Process, if there is not enough single unit quantity available to fulfill the order, the system will flag the order and suggest available UOM Packs to break down into singles to satisfy the order.
  • Mobile has also been updated to support UOM interaction with Pick & Pack, Cycle & Blind Counts, Moves, and Replenishments. App version 25.4.0 is required.

Continued improvements and expanded functionality for UOM planned for upcoming releases!

Note: UOM is billed as a separate module and not included with the Lot / Expiration Date module. For more details contact your account manager or sales rep.

Chat Intercom šŸ’¬

  • A new Chat module is now available. This displays in the bottom right corner of all OMS and WMS views allowing easier visibility and accessibility for posting and replying to topics. To activate, please contact your account manager. Learn More

Commercial Invoice - Mark As Sample Or Gift (WMS) šŸŽ

  • Added the ability to add tags to the order in the Processing side panel. These tags allow you to add additional metadata to the carrier for defining a shipment as a Sample or Gift specifically for generating Commercial Invoices. Currently available tags are: sample gift merchandise other - Learn More

Keep an eye out for future enhancements to tags!

Inventory Bin Receipt Date Toggle (WMS) ā˜‘ļø

  • By default, the system only updates the receipt date for a Bin during receiving of a Replenishment, which is important when using Standard Max Efficiency, FIFO, and LIFO inventory rotation. If activated, this new function will also update the receipt date for either Corrections (e.g. Recounts, Blind Counts) and/or Returns based on your selections which allows for a wider variety of workflows. Learn More

Please carefully consider your warehouse operations in order to determine if these system actions should update the receipt date per Bin.

Order Shipped Webhook v3 (OMS) šŸ“¦

  • Added Version 3 (v3) to Order Shipped webhook event which now includes Sysnset and Alias data per SKU when applicable.


System Wide

  • When selecting Signature Required for an order, you can additionally specify if it's Adult Signature Required.
  • The Shipped Orders With RMA report has been improved to include the quantity returned for good, hurt, and total units.
  • Channel Integrations that are deleted will now have the Channel Name persist in order views to ensure visibility on the associated channel even after deletion.
  • Description text has been added for each Rule trigger to provide clarity on how it is triggered.
  • API documentation links have been updated in WMSāžSystem ConfigāžPreferencesāžOperations and OMSāžMy AccountāžPreferencesāžAPI Integration.


  • Added the ability to Unblock a BIN from the Inventory view. Learn More
  • The ability to Get Rates for multi-box shipments through EasyPost and eHub has been improved to display totals per shipment of all boxes.
  • When editing a previously saved Advanced Filter in the Processing view, an additional option will be available to Save As New Filter. This will allow easy duplication of existing filters especially when they are very complex.
  • In WMSā†’System Configā†’Operations, the Packaging Process has been updated as well as renamed to Packaging Predictions. As part of the updates we've added the option to turn this setting on/off as well when selecting a box by dimensions you can select between 1 to 7 units. Learn More
  • Users that utilize 3PL Billing can now optionally generate an invoice instead of a statement. The invoice shows current charges for the specified billing period whereas the statement includes additional account summary information. This can be generated from WMSā†’3PL Billingā†’3PL Pricesā†’OMS Client Statements or Pricesā†’Billingā†’Statements By Seller.
  • Batches view has been updated to include a Progress column that shows the percentage completion of label generation for the batch.
  • Grid Picking has been improved to also allow scanning of the SKU instead of only UPC.
  • Updated the messaging when attempting to print a voided label.
  • In the Serials view, when selecting Add Serial the Location selection has been improved to allow typing in a location name to filter results.


  • Order Rules have been updated to include AND / OR for Filters which provides increased flexibility in rule creation. Learn More
  • Improved the Ship Method Translator view - Learn More
    • Added 'blank' as a wildcard option to allow configuration of a ship method in ShipEdge even when the Channel Integration does not pass any value. This will help prevent orders from going into API Error.
      • Easier viewing and typing to filter results in the ShipEdge Code column.
  • Orders in Backorder status will automatically go to Standby status after 120 days. Standby status does not reserve inventory and functions as a type of long term hold for the order which can be released at a later time. This can be further configured in OMSā†’My Accountā†’Preferencesā†’Inventory Forecasting and Alerts Setting
  • Activity Log has been updated to capture when an order is created via CSV upload.
  • Added the ability for the LPN to be defined per SKU in the Replenishment upload.
  • Replenishment Initiated and Replenishment Received webhooks have been updated to include Lot Number and Expiration Date data.
  • Improved error messaging when uploading serials to a replenishment to provide better clarity for the user.
  • When creating a new SKU, the Harmonization field is now available. Previously this was only available after the SKU had been created.
  • Added a message to the Channel Automation page advising that access to PII is required to facilitate the transfer of sensitive data such as addresses and phone numbers during order import.

API v4

  • POST/inventory/products and PATCH/inventory/products endpoints have been updated to allow Harmonization Code input when creating or editing products.
  • POST/Replenishment endpoint was updated to optionally allow input of SKU dimensions. This can be useful for any SKUs that do not already have that data or if it needs to be updated.
  • Note: API v4, released in v11.0, has updated documentation available at:
    • OMS - https:// < your warehouse id >
    • WMS (login required) - https:// < your warehouse id >

Bug Fixes


  • Corrected an intermittent issue where two different labels can be generated for the same order.
  • Corrected an issue where X-Link scale function was not working properly with multi-box orders.
  • Fixed behavior of certain scenarios where the order status of a divided order may show differently when being viewed from the Processing vs. All Order views.
  • Updated the CSV export from the All Orders view to ensure that it is formatted correctly.
  • When generating serials during replenishment receipt, corrected an issue where the loading screen would persist even after serials were generated.


  • Improved the way that Order Date and In Pending Date for an order are handled to ensure that when an order is edited, the original order date is not changed.
  • Corrected an issue during Synset conversion to an Alias where it would allow using an Alias name that already exists.
Shipedge Version 11.3.0 - UI Changelog

This changelog highlights our user interface (UI) updates for v11.3.0. Below you'll find a brief note of each change and reference images.

For full details on the latest release, check out the v11.3.0 Release Notes.

System Wide

Rule Trigger Description Text

OMSā†’Ordersā†’Order Rules & WMSā†’System Configā†’Automation Rules - Description text has been added for each Rule trigger to provide clarity on how it is triggered.

Chat Module

A new Chat module is now available. This displays in the bottom right corner of all OMS and WMS views allowing easier visibility and accessibility for posting and replying to topics. To activate, please contact your account manager.

View Messages Reply
v11-3_Chat_2.png-7149 v11-3_Chat_3.png-5302


Inventory Bin Receipt Date Toggle

WMSā†’System Configā†’Preferencesā†’Operations - By default, the system only updates the receipt date for a Bin during receiving of a Replenishment, which is important when using Standard Max Efficiency, FIFO, and LIFO inventory rotation. If activated, the system will also update the receipt date for either Corrections (e.g. Recounts, Blind Counts) and/or Returns based on your selections which allows for a wider variety of workflows. Please carefully consider your warehouse operations in order to determine if these system actions should update the receipt date per Bin.

Packaging Predictions

WMSā†’System Configā†’Preferencesā†’Operations - The Packaging Process has been updated as well as renamed to Packaging Predictions. As part of the updates we've added the option to turn this setting on/off as well when selecting a box by dimensions you can select between 1 to 7 units.

Commercial Invoice - Mark As Sample Or Gift

WMSā†’Processingā†’Order Side Panel - Added the ability to add tags to the order in the Processing side panel. These tags allow you to add additional metadata for the carrier specifically for defining a shipment as a Sample or Gift specifically for generating Commercial Invoices. Currently available tags are: sample gift merchandise other

Advanced Processing Filters - Save As New Filter

WMSā†’Processingā†’Advanced Filters - When editing a previously saved Advanced Filter in the Processing view, an additional option will be available to Save As New Filter.

Batches View - Progress Bar

WMSā†’Processingā†’Batches - View has been updated to include a Progress column that shows the percentage completion of label generation for the batch.

Voided Label - Updated Messaging

WMSā†’Shippedā†’Shipping Labels - Updated the messaging when attempting to print a voided label.

Unblock Bin via Web Interface

WMSā†’Inventory - Added the ability to Unblock a Bin from the Inventory view.

Add Serial - Location Selection

WMSā†’Inventoryā†’Serialsā†’Add Serial - In the Serials view, when selecting Add Serial the Location selection has been improved to allow typing in a location name to filter results.

3PL Billing / Prices - Generate Invoice

WMSā†’3PL Billingā†’3PL Pricesā†’OMS Client Statements or Pricesā†’Billingā†’Statements By Seller - Report column renamed to Statement. Invoice added as a new column.

API Link Updates

WMSā†’System Configā†’Preferencesā†’Operations - Added links to API v4 and Legacy API documenation.


Order Rules - AND / OR Filters

OMSā†’Ordersā†’Order Rules - Order Rules have been updated to include AND / OR for Filters which provides increased flexibility in rule creation.

Ship Method Translator - Improved View

OMSā†’Ordersā†’Integrationsā†’Ship Method Translator

  • Added 'blank' as a wildcard option to allow configuration of a ship method in ShipEdge even when the Channel Integration does not pass any value. This will help prevent orders from going into API Error.
  • Easier viewing and typing to filter results in the ShipEdge Code column.


Add SKU - Harmonization Code

OMSā†’Inventoryā†’Add SKU - When creating a new SKU, the Harmonization field is now available. Previously this was only available after the SKU had been created.

Channel Automation - PII Access Message

OMSā†’My Accountā†’Preferencesā†’Channel Automation - Added a message to the integrations page advising that access to PII is required in order to successfully import all order details.

API Link Updates

OMSā†’My Accountā†’Preferencesā†’API Integration - Updated links to API documentation as well as the overall look to better match the current system design.

Automatic Order Stand By

OMSā†’My Accountā†’Preferencesā†’Inventory Forecasting and Alerts Setting - Selecting Edit will allow the changing of the new toggle for Automatic Order Stand By.


Outlined below are the primary UI changes related to UOM which includes changes in the OMS, WMS, and Mobile app. Please note that there may be minor changes such as text or label positioning not detailed here.

View & Manage Inventory

OMSā†’Inventory - Viewing UOM quantity details per SKU.

OMSā†’Inventoryā†’Edit SKUā†’Aliases - Setting an Alias to a UOM.

OMSā†’Inventoryā†’SKU Substitutions - UOM displayed as a separate tab, Aliases display UOM details.



WMSā†’Inventory (Warehouse) - Viewing UOM quantity details per BIN.

WMSā†’Inventory (Warehouse) - Convert Qty (packs) to units & Convert Packs to another UOM

WMSā†’Inventoryā†’Corrections - Re-Counts and Moves.

Replenishments - Create / Edit / Receive

OMSā†’Replenishment - Adding or editing replenishments.


WMSā†’Inventoryā†’Replenishments - Editing and processing replenishments.





Order Viewing & Processing

OMSā†’Ordersā†’Order Detail View - View UOM details for an order.

WMSā†’Order Detail View - View UOM details for an order.

WMSā†’Pending - Break Pack


WMSā†’Processing - Viewing SKU details for orders with UOM.


Replenishments - During receiving you can view additional details such as UOM, Unit Factor, and change the UOM.




Inventory Control - UOM details visible in inventory control views as well as ability to Break the UOM which will convert a bin with a UOM into single units (eaches).





Cycle Count & Blind Count - UOM details visible when performing cycle or blind counts as well as ability to change unit factor.



Order Picking - UOM details visible during pick and pack.

Shipedge Version 11.2.0

We're excited to announce our latest release for the Shipedge platform. This release includes new features as well as many improvements and bug fixes for both the OMS and WMS.

Be sure to also check out the v11.2.0 UI Changelog to learn more about updates to the user interface.

New Features

Wave & Process Functions Combined

  • The Wave & Process functions in the WMS Pending view have been combined into a single function called Process. This provides a streamlined and more efficient experience for daily warehouse activities such as moving orders to processing or applying procedures.

Time Zone Configuration (WMS)

  • Time Zone is now configurable per warehouse (WMSā†’System Configā†’Preferencesā†’Operations). When configured, this applies to timestamps in all WMS and OMS views.

API v4 - New Endpoints

  • WMS - Added the ability to perform BIN recounts via API (POST/recount).
    • See documentation at https:// < your warehouse id >
  • OMS - Added the ability to retrieve information on Manufacturing Jobs (GET/manufacture).
    • See documentation at https:// < your warehouse id >



  • When receiving, returning, or changing the status of serialized SKUs the system will enforce that they are placed into a Location/BIN with a matching category. For example, if a serial is changed from status Ready to Hurt, it must then be placed into a "Hurt" location and bin.
  • The Allow & Deny text for Update Permission (WMSā†’Inventoryā†’Catalogā†’Actions) has been updated to be more explicit that it's for editing permissions.
  • When exporting to CSV/Excel in the Catalog view, the dimensions and weight are now separated into separate columns.
  • The Pending & All Orders views now have the Activity Log as a menu option in the ...> individual order actions button. This provides easy access to the log regardless of the order status.
  • Storage Billing Model selections in Price List By Seller now allow individual selections per location type by default.
  • OMS Automation Rules can now be configured (turned On/Off) per OMS from the Premium Services view.
    • Note: Usage of OMS automation rules is an additional fee per OMS per month. Fees will be applied automatically after the trial period ends.


  • Orders uploaded via CSV will now:
    • Detect and ignore empty rows to avoid false positive errors.
    • Reject entries that do not have a Shipping Method.
  • API v4 - OMS functions POST/cancel & POST/cancel-bulk were improved to better align to normal system cancel functions allowing for more order statuses to be canceled and appropriate inventory updates based on status.
  • When exporting to CSV/Excel in the Inventory view, the dimensions and weight are now separated into separate columns.
  • Wayfair integration inventory update types have been expanded to allow users to select between differential and true_up.

Bug Fixes


  • Corrected an issue where an LPN may become removed when receiving the same SKU into the same BIN at different times.
  • Corrected an intermittent issue where the packaging information was not displaying on the packing slip.
  • Recounts via BIN Management CSV upload for serialized SKUs were improved and now validates and functions the same as Inventory Corrections.
  • Improved the visual representation of orders voided within a batch to prevent the batch from showing as empty.
  • Removed the ability to void shipping labels within the individual order view to prevent scenarios where the order and label state become mis-matched causing abnormal behavior when reprocessing an order. Note: Please use the Shipping Labels view to manage label voids.


  • Minor fixes related to the Upload Synset function.
  • Corrected an intermittent issue where Supplier was not saving correctly when uploading SKUs via CSV.
  • When adding a secondary user to an OMS, the same password validations and requirements followed when creating a primary user are now enforced.
  • Replenishments uploaded via CSV now ignore empty rows to prevent unexpected system behavior.
  • Corrected an intermittent issue where an order would appear as though it was eligible for cancellation when it was already in a Processing status.
Shipedge Version 11.2.0 UI Changelog

This changelog highlights our user interface (UI) updates for v11.2.0. In this release there were only UI changes within the WMS. Below you'll find a brief description of each changed and reference images.

For full details on the latest release, check out the v11.2.0 Release Notes.


Wave & Process Functions Merged

The Wave & Process functions in the WMS Pending view have been combined into a single function called Process.

Time Zone Configuration

Time Zone is now configurable per warehouse (WMSā†’System Configā†’Preferencesā†’Operations). When configured, this applies to timestamps in all WMS and OMS views. This can be updated by WMS manager users with Operations access.

Update Permission Text Change

The Allow & Deny text for Update Permission (WMSā†’Inventoryā†’Cataogā†’Actions) have been updated to be more explicit that it's for editing permissions. Both new and old views are pictured for reference.

Individual Orders View - Removed Ability To Void Labels

Removed the ability to void shipping labels within the individual order view (WMSā†’Shippedā†’[inividual order]) to prevent scenarios where the order and label state become mis-matched causing abnormal behavior when reprocessing an order.
Note: Please use the Shipping Labels view to manage label voids.

Activity Log - Visible In Pending & All Orders Views

The Pending & All Orders views now have the Activity Log as a menu option in the ...> individual order actions button.

Storage Billing Model Selection

Storage Billing Model selections in Price List By Seller now allow individual selections per location type by default. This is accessible via Prices account and/or WMSā†’3PL Billingā†’3PL Pricesā†’OMS Client Prices then selecting Edit for an individual OMS. In the old view the, the location specific billing models would only unlock based on certain selections to the primary billing model. Both new and old views are pictured for reference.

OMS Automation Rules Now Configurable

OMS Automation Rules can now be configured (turned On/Off) per OMS from the Premium Services view. This is accessible via Prices account and/or WMSā†’3PL Billingā†’3PL Pricesā†’OMS Client Prices then selecting Edit for an individual OMS.

Note: Usage of OMS automation rules is an additional fee per OMS per month. Fees will be applied automatically after the trial period ends.

Shipedge Version 11.1.0 UI Changelog

Starting with Version 11.1.0, we will begin publishing a supplementary changelog highlighting new user interface (UI) updates. You'll find two sections, OMS and WMS, each with a brief description of the update and reference images.

For full details on the latest release, check out the v11.1.0 Release Notes.


Creating Replenishments from OMS Inventory View

From the Inventory view, OMS users now have the ability to create a replenishment. Select a SKU or group of SKUs, select Actions then Create Replenishment. A popup will allow entry of basic replenishment information, then selecting Create will take you to the Replenishment screen to finish editing and submitting.

Oversold SKUs icon in the OMS Inventory View

When an order is created/submitted with more than the available quantity (e.g. 25 available, 30 sold), an icon for Oversold will appear in the Inventory view. Selecting the Oversold link/button will automatically filter the view to only show the oversold SKU(s). Selecting Reset will remove the filter and return to regular view.

Country field required for Third Party Shipping

Country is now a required field when entering third party billing (shipping) information and prompts a warning if not entered. This can be found via Orders ā†’ Integrations then for an individual sales channel selecting the Menu icon then selecting 3PT Configuration.


LPN can be set to mandatory on Replenishments

Warehouses can now be configured to require an LPN for receiving replenishments. By default this is OFF (no change to warehouse flow). To turn it on, the warehouse manager user can navigate to System Config ā†’ Preferences then from the Operations tab scroll to the bottom and set LPN Mandatory to Yes. With this set to Yes, WMS users will then be prompted to enter an LPN when receiving a replenishment.

Priority-based Inventory Rotation

Flow Bin inventory rotation has been renamed to Priority-based inventory rotation. This method will select the bin based on inventory rotation set in the OMS for each SKU or the WMS configured operations. If activated, it will search the bin within the highest available priority level. If deactivated, it will ignore priority levels and find the best bin in the whole warehouse.

To enable this the warehouse manager user can navigate to System Config ā†’ Preferences then from the Operations tab you will see the checkbox to enable this.

Billing menu selection renamed to Admin Reports

Within the top menu you will now find Admin Reports (formerly labeled Billing). Within this menu are the following changes:

  1. Dashboard now listed before Reports.
  2. New menu options: OMS Accounts, Shipping Methods
  3. Removed (deprecated) menu options: Statements, Service Summary
    Note: Project Clock is still available but may be off by default and can be activated upon request, therefore it's not show in the New screenshot below.
image36.png-1777 image38.png-4960

OMS activation from WMS

WMS manager users can now activate OMS accounts from the WMS. From the main menu navigate to Admin Reports ā†’ OMS Accounts. From the OMS Accounts page find the account you wish to activate then select Inline Edit, check the Active box, then select Update or Cancel. (Note: By default, new OMS accounts are deactivated.)

Manual adjustment to Sub-Status

Users now have the ability to manually change the substatus of shipped orders. Select Shipped from the top menu, then select an order or group of orders, select Actions, then Change Sub-Status. From the pop-up choose the Sub-Status then select Save. The Sub-Status column will display the selected status. This column also functions as a filter view for the page.

Filter Shipped Orders by Sub-Status

Sub-statuses for shipped orders are now selectable in the Status column of the All Orders page. From the WMS select All Orders from the top menu bar. Click the Status column and scroll to the bottom of the list and you will find the corresponding sub-statuses which you can select to filter the view.

Received SKUs Summary - New Column

When SKUs from a replenishment have been received and the qty received releases network backorders, it will be visible via a CSV download generated by selecting the Released SKU Summary on the Replenishments page. It is also available for a completed replenishment on the Summary of Replenishment. The CSV will show the BIN, SKU, Qty Release, Number of Orders.

Replenishments View - Username Display

Replenishments in processing now display the Username of the user who put away the SKU once it is received into a location.

Recall Report

New report added that helps track items with Lot/Expiration that have been shipped in the event of a recall. From the WMS navigate to Admin Reports ā†’ Reports. Scroll to the bottom of the page to find Recall Report and to generate select View. From the pop-up fill in the Account, Date Range, SKU and or Lot and select Generate. You will be redirected to the report list page and once processed you can select DownloadCSV.

Shipping Labels View improvements

Shipping Labels view updated with more intuitive filtering and design updates consistent with other areas of the platform. Navigate to Shipped ā†’ Shipping Labels and see changes listed below.

  1. Waiting To Print quick filter improved to avoid conflicting header filters such as also selecting ā€œPrintedā€. The quick filter selection overrides other selections. (No direct view change, just an improvement in functionality.)
  2. When printing a label the Print button has been renamed to Print And Ship and now additionally moves the order from Processing to Shipped during the same action. Find an order Waiting To Print, click the ā€¦> actions menu, then select Print Label, from the popup select Print And Ship.
  3. The VOID button has been removed from the green Actions button as well as the individual order ..> actions menu leaving only VOID And Revert To Processing as the functions were redundant.
  4. When a label is voided, there is now an additional notice text in the popup. This is seen when clicking the ā€¦> actions menu then selecting VOID And Revert To Processing.
  5. Voided Labels are no longer able to be printed. (No direct view change, just a change in function.)
  6. From the ā€¦> action menu for an order, Ship Activity Log has been renamed to Activity Log.
  7. Type column now includes a filter selection for Processing.
    Note: Processing status indicates that the label has been generated but not yet printed.
  8. Client - Store Name header has been renamed Company Name.
  9. Print Status labels/icons have been updated: printed ā†’ Printed, Waiting for print ā†’ Waiting To Print
  10. Advanced filter button is now renamed to Advanced Filters.
  11. Within the Advanced Filters popup several items have been relabeled: Ships# ā†’ Ship#, Batchs# ā†’ Batch#, Trackings# ā†’ Tracking#, OrderNum# ā†’ Order#, Client-StoreName ā†’ Company Name, Channels ā†’ Channel
Shipedge Version 11.1.0

We're excited to announce our latest release for the Shipedge platform. This release includes several new features in the WMS as well as many improvements and bug fixes for both the OMS and WMS.

Be sure to also check out the v11.1.0 UI Changelog to see updates to the user interface.

New Features

3PL Billing Module Enhancements (WMS)

  • With the 3PL Billing Module activated WMS manager users now have additional main menu options and the ability to navigate to pages previously only accessible in the Prices account. Learn More
  • Manager users with the 3PL Billing Module can now activate OMS accounts from the WMS. Learn More

International Documents Module (WMS)

  • A new International Documents module is now available for an additional cost. This module enhances the shipping Batches view with the ability to generate documents such as Customs Invoice, H.S. Code Summary, Transfer of Ownership, and more for multiple shipments at a time. To learn more and request pricing please contact your TAM or sales rep.

Manual Sub-status Adjustments (WMS)

  • Users can now manually change the sub-status of shipped orders. Learn More

LPN Replenishment Configuration (WMS)

  • Warehouses can now be configured to require an LPN for receiving replenishments (off by default). Learn More

Recall Report

  • This new report provides essential information for tracking and managing recalls, ensuring accurate and timely response to potential issues related to Lot or Expiration concerns. Learn More

API v4 - Endpoint Enhancements

  • New endpoint: POST Revert allows WMS users to revert a shipment in processing status back to pending.
  • New endpoint: PATCH Replenishment allows updates to an existing replenishment.
  • Update: GET Replenishment endpoint now separates data for the same SKUs in multiple LPNs in the same replenishment.

Note: API v4, released in v11.0, has updated documentation available at https:// < your warehouse id >



  • Shipping Labels view updated with more intuitive filtering and design updates consistent with other areas of the platform. Learn More
  • Sub-statuses for shipped orders are now selectable in the Status column of the All Orders page.
  • Picking Log view has been enhanced to include elapsed time, display multi-box information, and allow searching/sorting by pallet or box ID. Learn More
  • Corrections History now displays bin numbers even if the bin has been deleted.
  • Replenishments now display the Username of the user who received the SKUs into a location.
  • Billing menu relabeled to Admin Reports with menu selection changes
    • New menu options: OMS Accounts, Shipping Methods
    • Removed (deprecated) menu options: Statements, Service Summary, Project Clock
  • OMS Accounts page was added to allow WMS manager users the ability to activate OMS accounts.
  • Flow Bin inventory rotation has been renamed to Priority-based inventory rotation. This method will select the bin based on inventory rotation set in the OMS for each SKU or the WMS configured operations. If activated, it will search the bin within the highest available priority level. If deactivated, it will ignore priority levels and find the best bin in the whole warehouse. Learn More


  • Speed performance improvements for Inventory screen when loading a large number of SKUs.
  • Users can now create a replenishment from the OMS Inventory view. Learn More
  • Oversold SKUs are now indicated via a button at the top of the OMS Catalog view. Learn More
  • Third party billing information for shipping now allows duties and taxes to be paid by third parties.
  • Country is now a required field when entering third-party billing/shipping information. Learn More
  • Users can now generate a new API key (My Accountā†’Preferncesā†’API Configuration)

System Wide

  • Improvements to security-related features and protocols.

Bug Fixes


  • Corrected an issue where bins in certain location categories (e.g. Staged, Blocked) were incorrectly able to be set as min/max bins.
  • Adjusted the Daily Inventory Changes report to 90 days to prevent data overload resulting in an unsuccessful download.
  • Improved the Value Added Services selection to ensure it would display the proper list even without refreshing the page.
  • Advanced Processing Filters will now properly display orders even when the Max Line Items Quantity is left blank.
  • Corrected an issue where in some cases using Wave function would not properly calculate order weight in the Processing view.
  • When sending orders from Pending to Processing, the picking location prioritization was not always operating the same between Process and Wave.
  • Corrected an issue where dividing multi-box orders would not always divide logically.
  • Batch numbers will now correctly update in all views if an order is removed from a batch and added to another.
  • Processing view sidebar allows decimal input again for box dimensions.
  • Improved order processing view to prevent scenarios where orders would become stuck in processing if multiple users were interacting with it. (Example: User A marks an order as shipped while User B still sees it processing and attempts to generate another label.)


  • Shipping carriers with no shipping methods configured are no longer able to be used on an order.
  • Inventory exports in Excel format now function correctly when filtering by 1,000 rows.
  • Corrected an issue where inventory alerts were intermittently not being received.
  • Corrected an issue where UPC's were not always displaying in the Inventory view.
  • Third-party billing information (name, address, etc.) will now properly display if apostrophes are included.
  • When uploading SKUs to an order via CSV, increased the file size limit to prevent unnecessary errors from displaying.
  • Updated validation when uploading SKU inforamtion via CSV that caused the same product image to appear multiple times.
  • Inventory metadata now loads correctly when filtering by max rows or changing pages.
  • OMS > Reports > Statements Report updated to allow download of 3 months at a time to prevent reports getting stuck for data overload.

System Wide

  • Report fields will now properly display data containing accented characters such as Ʊ Ć” Ć© Ć­ Ć³ Ćŗ.
  • Corrected an issue where in some instances the shipping rate quotes were showing twice for the same method.
  • Updated the way that BOM SKU uploads are handled to prevent scenarios where data does not update correctly.
  • SKU History will no longer present an error if the SKU description contains special or accented characters such as such as Ć” Ć© Ć­ Ć³ Ćŗ.
  • SKUs with registered trademark special characters in the description will now display correctly.
  • Model and Harmonization Code SKU fields now properly allows period (.) and hyphen (-) characters.
Shipedge Version 11

New Features


The Automation Rules module in Shipedge WMS empowers users to create custom rules tailored to their unique warehouse requirements. Businesses can automate various tasks and processes based on specific conditions and filters, reducing manual intervention and improving overall operational efficiency. Learn More

New OMS View - "SKU Substitutions"

Allows overview for the OMS (Order Management System) account over the SynSets, Aliases, and Translators with search and download capabilities. SKU Substitutions View

Order Quantities by Warehouse Zone Report

Summary of order quantities picked from each warehouse zone over a specified date range.

WMS (Warehouse Management System) Replenishment Processing Action - "Remove LPN"

For better inventory management. Learn More

SKU Edit View

Offers a user-friendly interface that includes options to create and manage SKUs, SynSets, Aliases, and DC (Distribution Center) translators within a single view, streamlining workflow and saving time. SKU Edit View

New Operation Option: Mark Orders as Shipped When Label Is Printed

Aligning order status with the actual shipping moment after the order has been picked, packed, and is ready to be dispatched. Learn More

Web QC (Quality Control) Process to Divide Remaining Items

Providing users with the capability to split an order when the remaining items are either unavailable or damaged during the actual stock check, despite being listed in the Shipedge inventory. This new feature allows for efficient handling of discrepancies between expected inventory and the actual stock on hand. Web QC Process

Generate BINS by Locations in BULK

For easy creation of multiple BINs based on specific locations. Learn More


Enhanced Batch Picking Experience. With this feature, warehouse personnel can efficiently pick orders in a grid layout, choosing from predefined grid sizes like 3x4, 4x4, 4x2, 8x2, or custom configurations for optimized picking efficiency and accuracy.

  • Grid Layout: The Grid Picking view organizes the batch of orders into a grid format making it easy for pickers to see exactly which items are required for each box ensuring a smooth and organized picking process.
  • UPC Scanning: As pickers work through the grid, they are prompted to scan the UPCs (Universal Product Codes) of each item. This step-by-step scanning process ensures that the correct items are picked for each box, minimizing errors and enhancing order accuracy.
  • Printing Labels and Packing Slips: Once the picking is completed, users can effortlessly print labels and packing slips directly from the Grid Picking view. This feature streamlines post-picking tasks, saving time and reducing manual effort.
  • Order Completion: After picking and packing the items based on the grid layout, users can mark the order as complete, updating the system and advancing the order to the next stage in the fulfillment process. Grid Picking Details

New Release: Shipedge API V4

https://< your warehouse name>

Product Alias

Utilized at the channel level to establish a one-to-one translation between Shipedge SKUs and channel-specific SKUs (e.g., Amazon, eBay). To facilitate seamless integration and synchronization between Shipedge and various sales channels.

Fill Percentage for Packaging

Users can specify the desired level of cushioning within each package type, optimizing the amount of packaging material used and ensure that it provides the necessary protection without excessive waste or overpacking.

Webhook Option to Use Auth Token

Enhanced configuration using an authentication token (Auth Token) for webhook events. Ideal for cases where the client endpoint requires a bearer token for authorization, and the token needs to be regenerated periodically using a username and password. Learn More

SKU/Alias Flag for "Don't Update"

This flag serves as a restriction, preventing users from making any updates to the weight and dimensions of the designated product.


Batch Fulfillment View offers a separate screen from the regular processing screen, specifically designed to handle batch processing. Warehouse personnel can fulfill orders in batches, enabling them to work more efficiently and improve overall order management.

  • Users can print packing slips and labels for each batch directly from the interface. This feature simplifies and expedites the packing process, ensuring accurate order fulfillment and minimizing packing errors. Additionally, intuitive filters are available to help users search for specific batch numbers or shipping numbers associated with a particular batch.

WMS: Batch Report

Complements the new Batch View feature, enabling businesses to track and analyze order batches, leading to improved warehouse operations and shipping efficiency. Key data fields: Company Name, Date, Batch Num, Number of Orders, Number of SKUs, Number of Units, Ship Method, Batch Description.

New Activity Log: Order Level

The Order Level Activity Log provides a detailed history of actions taken on a specific order during the shipping process. It includes timestamps, usernames of those involved, and actions such as label printing, box addition, picker assignment, and batching. This feature enhances order tracking, transparency, and performance analysis, for improved warehouse operations and customer service.

New: Improvements on Volume Cubing of Orders

The Auto-Cubing functionality in Shipedge WMS automatically determines the best box size for each order based on product volume. This optimizes warehouse space, reduces shipping costs, and improves packing efficiency.


  • Flow Bin is now called Priority-Based Inventory Rotation:
    This method will select the bin based on inventory rotation set by the OMS at the SKU level or the WMS configured operations. If activated, it will search the bin within the highest available priority level. If de-activated, it will ignore priority levels and find the best bin in the warehouse.

  • When placed in the same type of bin, SKUs prioritized based on the expiration date.

  • Inventory will be prioritized in this order: 1. Flow 2. Picking 3. Standard 4. Repository.

  • Enhanced management of preset filters in the Processing View, making it more efficient to handle. These updates aim to facilitate the handling of a large number of filters, improve the application of filters, and provide better visibility of applied filters. The following enhancements have been implemented:

    • The management of preset filters is now more efficient, allowing users to handle a large number of filters with ease.
    • The filter application process has been improved for smoother and more accurate results.
    • Users can now view the filters that are currently applied, providing better visibility and understanding of the active filters.
    • The ability to select multiple options when applying filters has been added, allowing for more flexibility and customization.
    • Pagination functionality has been introduced for Batch filters, enabling better navigation through filters, especially when dealing with a large number of batches.
  • MIN MAX Report in Standard Reports View:
    Provides minimum and maximum BINS for each item along with the associated refill quantity and warehouse location information for improved inventory replenishment.

  • Packaging process improved by eliminating the suggestion of packages for boxes with 0 or negative quantities, allowing users to focus on valid packaging options, streamlining processes and reducing errors.

  • VAS (Value-Added Service) action is now available in the processing view.

  • Enhanced CSV Upload process for SynSets, making it more efficient when dealing with a large number of SynSets. This process is now similar to SKU uploads.

  • Web QC (Quality Control) improvements.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where editing an order resulted in the store channel being removed. The store channel now remains intact during the editing process.

  • Addressed a bug where the 'DELETE' button was not visible when entering inside a correction. The 'DELETE' button is now visible and functional, allowing users to delete corrections as needed.

Shipedge Mobile App v25.2.5


  • Minor bug fixes

New features and Improvements

  • Minor speed improvements.

  • New: Directed Put-Away feature

    • The directed put-away feature automatically creates an efficient route to put many inventory items into storage locations and bins at once. This can be started from any location, such as staging locations for receiving, returns, manufacturing or kitting.
      This is another workflow to help your receiving teams be more efficient in the warehouse from dock to stock. Learn how it works here.
  • Now, In the logpick view you can see the bin and the location.

Shipedge Version 10.10.0


  • Minor bug fixes

Improvements & New Features


  • New Upload inventory look:
    • Ability to drag and drop upload files.
    • CSV mapping capabilities.
    • New option to download Shopify-compatible inventory template.
    • Warning when using special characters for the SKU name.
      More details here.
  • Virtual SKU workflow:
    • Orders imported into Shipedge with a combination of regular SKUs and virtual Products will be divided into 2 orders: 1. A drop ship order that holds a record of the virtual products purchased and, 2. One order to be fulfilled with regular workflows.
      Orders 2023-02-17 10-19-00.png


  • Improved speed on Bin History View.
  • Notes to the warehouse and notes to customers are now visible in the sidebar of the processing view.
    Processing 2023-02-17 10-29-09.png
  • Added Copy to clipboard option for the shipping number and the tracking link.
  • Now, the Shipping number and Timestamp can be seen in the Bin History view.
  • Added columns in the OMS Orders View, and WMS Processing View that display the last date orders were in a Pending status.


  • Additional validations on the mobile app MOVE function to prevent incidental concurrences of the same product.


  • eHub: A shipping API that helps businesses compare and find shipping rates between carrier providers across domestic and international shipments.
  • Zid marketlace
  • DSV - only available for South Africa.


  • New "Add Returns" endpoint for the Returns API:
    • Added ability to create several returns at the same time.
    • Added functionality to assign Return orders to different carts using the storeid or storename parameters.
  • The Get_Returns API, now includes restocked information and its processed and requested dates.
  • Now, /API/Rest/v3.1/Orders/mark_as_shipped allows orders to be updated from Sent to Dropshipper to Shipped by Dropshipper through Alias/translators.
Shipedge 10.9 Version


  • Minor bug fixes


  • Orders can now be released from a Hold status in bulk. Learn how here.
  • Note to Customer now shows quantity details of the synset that makes up the order.

New Features

*Added a new OMS view where users can view and modify their OMSā€™ 3rd party billing configurations. To view navigate to OMS> Orders > 3pt Management.

  • Added an advanced Shipping Billing report that generates Shipping Billing Information.
  • You can find this report in the OMS> Reports > Shipping Billing Information.
  • Added a directed put-away feature for mobile users.
  • The directed put-away feature automatically creates an efficient route to put many inventory items into storage locations and bins at once. Learn more here.


  • Mirakl Integration.
Shipedge Version 10.8.4


  • Minor bug fixes


  • The Export Products report now includes the Package Type.
  • Improvement made to the Wave order processing module.
  • If a session is timed out or closed, a Session finalized warning shows and redirects to the login page.
  • The Company name now appears in all Shipping labels for orders that include it.
Shipedge Version 10.8.1


  • Fixed: Orders imported from Mango not showing in orders view.

New Features

  • New and Improved Add SKU view. - SKU's can now have one or multiple UOMs.
  • You can now add insurance to any shipment with the Easypost insurance integration.
  • New percentage field was added that assigns values to the internal dimension of the box type package.
  • New Zones module shows which locations belong to each zone. These can be edited or deleted. Learn moreā€¦
  • Now, viewers can see quantities of both HUBs and PODs in the Total Network modal.
  • WMS: Added ability to combine multiple orders into one order/shipment. You can do this through the new ā€œMerge Orderā€ button. Learn moreā€¦
  • WMS: New options available for Packaging process. To use them navigate to System Config > Operations > Packaging:
    • Select one Box by dimensions for orders up to 5 units
      • Select Box by Volume creating Multibox
      • Select Box by Volume creating Shipment (force divide)
      • Select Box by Shipedge's AI engine
  • WMS Super-users can now assign orders to other users from the processing view.
  • Super users can now limit the range of dates a user can generate reports.
  • A new function to our Shopify Integration called "Archive Orders" that will update the status of the order on Shopify to "Archived" and move to the tab "closed", this will prevent the order from being edited once it's already on Shipedge. Read more in the link below
  • More details
Shipedge Version 10.7.5

New Features

  • OMS: Fulfillment hubs (distribution centers) can be added and managed in the network view for order routing to multiple facilities. You can find this view in the OMS > Inventory > Distribution Center.

  • Added new print settings button for shipping label printing to make it easier to print labels in different sizes and formats.

  • Added a New Storage Billing Option - Per Qty, that charges based on the total number of units in a location.

  • Added a "Mapping products'' modal for the FTP integration setup where you can map products imported through a CSV file using a visual mapping view (similar to how you are able to map order uploads). Learn more here.

  • Added ability to move SKU quantity between different hubs. Learn more here.

  • Added a "Transfer orders for free" option for the superuser role. This allows you to transfer products between hubs without charging for handling or other typical picking fees. Learn how here.

  • Added a "Transfer View" setting for the superuser role to give you the ability to enable or disable the "transfer" option in the distribution center view of the OMS for other users.

  • Added ability to Initiate a return for orders with ā€œShipped by Hubā€ status from the Main OMS.

  • Added a "SPS Mapping'' modal setup where you can add and map up to 3 custom references to labels.
    New Integration:



  • When orders are routed, the main OMS ID now gets attached to the routed order to make billing easier.
  • Ability to enable Two-Factor Authentication. Superusers can turn this on for other users.
  • Serials are now attached to each line item in a Replenishment and are downloadable. Learn more here.
  • OMS branches can now be created in the network view without automatically syncing SKUs. Learn more here.
  • Arabic is now supported in the system.
  • Network hubs setup:
    • Ability to Relate a DC to a Store.
    • Ability to Create a DC (Supplier) inside a microhub.
  • General improvements to divided orders process to support orders in Pending and Backorder.
  • Improved 'Exchange Now' process: an order is created only after edits or changes are completely saved.

Fixed Bugs

  • Fixed: Orders getting stuck in routing due to XML or SOAP order format issues.
  • Fixed: Print size issues for labels generated in the shippinglabel.php view.
  • Fixed: Replenishment orders not being created when transferring inventory to a hub.
  • Fixed: HTTP Error 500 when attempting to open a replenishment in any status.
Shipedge Version 10.6.7


  • Added ability to manually release orders with temporary status with a ā€œReleaseā€ button in the Status column.
  • You can now configure International Settings: TaxID + Incoterms from the Processing Shipping view in the WMS.
  • Improvements to Processing & Shipping view.
  • ā€˜Set return label infoā€™ button will only appear once the Include Return Label is selected.
  • Secondary OMS users can now be promoted to OMS account owner permissions.
  • Added ability to add an attachments to any shipped order.
  • Payment method Nickname is now required when adding new payment methods.
  • Serials view now allows you to view 5,000 records per page.

Security Improvements:

  • Restricted the ability to upload .xlsx and .xls files.
  • Added security when uploading files.
  • Restricted use of the same password across user accounts.

Fixed Bugs

  • Product SKUs are no longer erased when editing.
  • Added special characters support for SKUs.
  • Issue fixed for payment methods not showing on view.
  • Fields added through the android app will be updated in the web view.
  • Assigned Inventory default response for canceled orders fixed.
  • WebQC now has the same functionality as the QC workflow in the app.
  • Text overlay no longer covers the shipping barcode.
  • Duplicate SKU validation for SKU creation uploads.
  • Order template download issues fixed.
Shipedge Version 10.6

New Integrations

New Channels: Get order, update tracking and inventory Sync

  • Centra
  • Wix
  • Ripley
  • Amazon MCF (beta)
  • Amazon FBA Prep (3PL Ready)
  • Netsuite (normally requires custom work)
  • Shopify for Fulfillment Centers Networks
  • New Carriers: (Latin America)
  • 99 minutes
  • Ship & Go
  • Chazki
  • Blue Express
  • Treggo

Mirror Webhooks: Update WMS inventory from external sources (ERP / WMS).
Mirror Inventory API: Integrate data to and from other WMS / WES systems (FBA prep)
API for Processing orders with support for Lots & Expiration (WMS API access by request)
Mark orders as shipped by API with serials (WMS API access by request)
Metadata Support for all transactional records
API to Create Return Orders, Get status, etc
API for Metadata related to Orders, Order_items, Item_serials
Webhooks triggered by order status cancel.
Amazon Seller Partner API

FBA (Fulfillment By Amazon FBA)
Import Shipped orders Fulfilled by Amazon
FBA inventory sync and visibility (FBA as a DC)
MCF (Amazon Multi-Channel Fulfillment by Amazon)
Send orders from any Shipedge Channel into FBA for fulfillment
Shipedge can route orders to be fulfilled by Amazon FBA stock
FBA inventory sync and visibility (FBA as a DC)
Blank box Support (Blank box Inventory and Orders)
Non Amazon Carrier Support
FBA Inbound Shipment Plans (FBA Prep)
Create Shipment Plans in Amazon Seller Central to replenish FBA inventory.
Validate SKU can be sent to Amazon Fulfillment Centers (FBA active listing)
Easily generate and print product labels (FNSKU), Carton Labels and more..
Create Shipping method Labels SPD & LTL using an Amazon Carrier account or your account.
Amazon Vendor Central Direct (new program by invitation only)
Get Orders sold by Amazon
Fulfill Amazon Vendor Central order from your own warehouse
Get Amazon shipping labels with automatic update tracking
Sync Inventory available for sale to Amazon Vendor Central

Improved speed on: Replenishment View,
Easier access to webhooks configurations view (new tab under My Account Preferences)
Manual Order entry now supports Metadata for each Sku
Create or Edit orders for Skus in Hurt, Reserved, or UOM/Packs -- Manually and by CSV from inside an order.
Create RMA with Return Labels from any address and shipping method (shipping view only).
Order Preview improvements to display special characters (as accents or characters from different languages).
Improvement on the Inventory Upload CSV template (support for new separators).
Add order now supports Synsets selling price.
The ability to upload products using a CSV file when manually creating orders by using the Add Order functionality.
Improved the Synset template for CSV uploads.
Replenishment suggestion for ā€œfill forecast by supplierā€ using a new more reliable algorithm.
Replenishment now provides the ability to create serial numbers for any SKU with option serials = In/Out. The ability to print labels with any serial numbers was also provided.
Action to finish processing ā€œIncomplete Ordersā€ (automated daily)
Visible data downloads and reports use the Replica Database when possible
Import CSV with list order#s to import orders from Shopify or Amazon Vendor Central Direct

Metadata attributes for item serial numbers including the ability to export this data.
Improved reliability of VOID shipping labels from the shipped order preview
Ability to process orders for Skus in Hurt, Reserve and UOM/packs.
Warehouse Receiving Form available for printing from within the Replenishment view.
Serials: Improved serial numbers view with the ability to generate and print serial number labels.
Improved workflow for returns with serial numbers
Weā€™ve added more print labels sizes for inventory and warehousing labels.
Improved workflow for receiving serialized products during replenishment.
WebQC: Web interface for Quality control and multibox
Shipping View workflows: New fields on advanced shipping filters
New Inventory Sync forced actions inside Replenishment details view to update inventory on all integrated channels with that option.
Recounts now liberate backorders immediately.
Reports & Alerts:

All reports and data-downloads from views can now use the Replica Database server in order to maximize speed and minimize disruption.
New and improved Replenishments report.
New notifications and alerts with in system popups

Picking serialized Skus allows saving partial data.
New - eXos app: Allows OMS/Pod to manage inventory off-site. Includes functionality for pick and pack, receiving, quality control, shipping and checkouts.

Billing 3PL

Improvement on the Value Added Services functionality for adding multiple values at once without having to close the window.
OMS visible shipping price reflects shipping 3PL shipping method pricing adjustments
3PL users can now Close an OMS account: Turns all integrations Off and creates final orders (good, hurt, reserved) for final inventory removal. It will also cancel all expected returns, replenishments and unprocessed orders.
Faster All transactions view for prices manager and the OMS client, including filters and csv export.
Configurable fees for multi box shipments
Integrations with Paypal for 3PL Billing.
Plus hundreds of other reliability improvements, bug fixes and minor features.

More info here

WMS PRO APP version 25

Pick and Pack Improvements
Distribution Jobs
Shipedge offers a new way to operate called Distribution Jobs. The Pick and Pack workflow is for when the user usually picks many orders at a time and as the picker walks the isles they pick items and place them on a tray. (multiple orders)
Jobs is designed for a single large order. It gives the possibility to load and assign Jobs to any device/user in the mobile App.

New workflow -Pick to Carton
The usual process is to scan an item, scan the tray, but since there is only one order scanning the same tray each time can be too much manual work.

With the new features, the user will: Add a carton ID and optionally a packaging ID. From then on, any item the user scans is automatically assigned to that cartonID. That means picking is easier and faster. As soon as the carton is full, the users can scan another carton ID and keep working, everything will be assigned to that new carton ID.
At the end of all the jobs for an order, as items move to shipping, it is treated as a multi-box order so each carton ID is a box with its content of SKUs in that particular box/carton.

Another advantage of distribution jobs is that the manager can monitor the pickers processing the jobs of an order and can see the percentage of picks related to each job (fill rate).

Finally, because we know things are not always perfect. If the picker can't find an item, they can skip that pick and go to the next. If an order can be sent in more than one shipment, the missing items are left in a new Shipment associated with the order.
The manager will have the ability to assign jobs to another team to look for those missing items.

Other improvements :
Progress Communications by BIN number.
New popup window to scan or add the serial numbers attached to a process.
Pick & Pack options have been simplified.
Improvements in the Replenishments View for a better user experience.
Quality Control option is now available for multi-box orders: the user can add packages and content. It will appear in the Shipping view ready to get multibox labels to the WMS account.
Re-counts are easier and no longer allow you to make changes in BIN or location. Also easier access from Inventory control to LPN for moves.
Improved speed for Shipping actions
Pick & Pack Reset now also clears serials in Shipedge WMS.

Shipedge Version 10.5

OMS Account Login Optimization
Logging into the OMS will now take you directly to the Orders View instead of the Wall. This decreases the loading time and allows you to start working in your account faster.

The OMS can now be white-labeled
*Requires Module
White labeling will remove all mentions of Shipedge from the OMS and put your brand front and center for better brand consistency.

Order Preview & Detail View Style Change
Shipedge has improved the UI for order details, the fonts are now bigger and we use modern colors for a better user experience.

Bulk action to turn on Pick and Pack for all mobile app users
You can now make the pick and pack workflow available for all users but checking the checkbox in the column header for pick and pack. This way you donā€™t have to allow users to use this workflow by checking them one by one.

Improvements on Billing module
Billing has faster loading times for the All Transactions View and we have also improved the user experience by making it easier to use.

Pod or Points of Delivery (POD)
*Requires Module and Special Configuration
New Feature
Now any OMS can also have a lite WMS. POD features enhance last-mile capabilities with routing and its own mobile Application called eXos.

The Points of Delivery can be created automatically in bulk by uploading them using a CSV file or manually.
The possibility to easily transfer inventory from your OMS account to any POD.

Easily create any SKU that you have in your warehouse.

New Feature
New app (iOS and Android) that helps control inventory at any Point of Delivery location.

Improvements on the Inventory Catalog View in the WMS.
The Catlog View now allows printing barcodes for the needed inventory and it is easier to navigate.

New feature - Option to access the product pictures from your integration channel or other sources.
In the account settings of the OMS, by going to Communication Setting you have the ability to add the URL from your website or other desired source for linking the SKUs picture. This feature makes it easier to identificate the products from your inventory.

Now visible in the catalog
New Feature
This new view in the WMS allows the user to verify package content while dividing shipments into multiple boxes. It offers the possibility to scan the shipping number, or enter manually and assign the products to the desired package in order to further review it.

Multiple Synsets Names are now visible on Packing List
The name of the Synset will automatically appear in the customer notes section of the packing list.

Shipping Labels view improvements.
The view is offering the option to display voided and return labels.
It can also produce a picking summary related to a group of labels. In order to have that option, you need to scan the pick summary list with your WMS Pro App using a device to load all orders related to the labels.

New Integrations
V-Tex (beta)
CommerceHub - requires special configuration
Magento2 advanced
BigCommerce V3

Shipedge PRO WMS App v24.3 (Beta)

The new version of the Shipedge Android app is available for testing in beta on the google play store.

Improved cycle count -- memory management, faster interface
Load & move -- now working for loading all blocked bins for orderly pick and functions to be dropped at a hurt location.
Load jobs -- ability to divide orders into jobs and load job to device
Add Container/Carton ID -- new way for picking large orders with multi-box support

Shipedge 10.2


( Product Update )

Shipping has been a big focus for us this past year and we've made some big strides in terms of giving our users access to a world class tool.

Most of our users expect for a small group of beta tester are on Xenvio (Pronounced Zen-Vee-Oh) X3.

X5 will offer faster request to label time as well as more reliable batch processing. All future carrier integrations would also be done in X5 rather than legacy X3 accounts. Some of the new features related to shipping below also require the change from X3 to X5.

Some other things to come within X5; fully customizable packing lists, visual data and dashboards, new carrier integrations, etc..

To upgrade from X3 to X5 please reach out to us using the form below.

Multibox Shipments

  • Requires X5

( New Feature )

Were excited to announce multibox support. We've built multibox functionality into our Processing & Shipping view in your WMS. Now you will be able to add boxes and assign product to them. This will generate one shipment with multiple packages and tie the different parcels in your order to one master tracking number.

ShipReady Packaging

  • Requires X5

( New Feature )

You may be familiar with Bin tags that can be used to label a case or a group of items as long as they have the same SKU. LPNs or License plates allow you to tie together or barcode a group of different SKUs (for example on a pallet) into one searchable and scannable unit.


( Improvement )

Our webhooks are getting more robust in an effort to increase usability and connectivity. You can ow use certificates for secure connections as well as add headers to webhook calls.

Also more specifically with the Order Shipped Webhook now you can configure a webhook to send only when an order is shipped with certain shipping methods.

Replenishments API

( Update )

We've changed that way we authenticate when calling our Open API in Replenishments Version 3. Also we have added support for LPNs if you want another system to send us SSCC or pallet barcode information for receiving.

Security Updates

( Improvement )

There are some new security features that are designed to protect your data. Passwords now have minimum requirements moving forward; length and character type.

Incorrect Login attempts will also the login for 15 minutes.


( Improvement )

This feature launched in the last release and we have built a fair amount of improvements around the workflows for it. There is now a mobile workflow for receiving and moving LPNs. Also we have added support for LPN receiving into the Replenishment receiving view in the WMS.

Shipedge PRO WMS App v24.4 (Beta)

New beta version for the app.

Changes to inventory control:

See if a bin is blocked with action to unblock.
Ability to set minMAX quantities to any bin.

warning when receiving higher quantities than expected.