Shipedge Version 11.3.5 - Release Notes

We're excited to announce the release of v11.3.5 🎉

This release is focused on improvements for Unit of Measure (UOM) in both the OMS & WMS. Keep an eye out for more UOM improvements in upcoming releases.

Be sure to check out the v11.3.5 UI Changelog to see updates to the user interface.

In the coming weeks servers will begin receiving this new version. Banners will appear on your server announcing the date and time.

System Wide

  • Views have been improved to better represent the quantities and display unit factor for items with a UOM. When items have a UOM it will display the pack quantity, otherwise it will display in units (eaches). (e.g. One 6-Pack will show "1", six individual units will show "6") Updated views include:
    • OMS➝Inventory and WMS➝Inventory & Catalog, this includes a new Counts column
    • Order Detail (OMS & WMS)
    • Packing Lists
    • Picking Summaries
  • UOM was added as a new column to the expandable order line item preview. This will display the UOM name when applicable, otherwise it will display "units". Updated views include:
    • OMS➝Orders
    • WMS➝Pending
    • WMS➝Shipped
    • WMS➝All Orders


  • Advanced Filters have been updated to allow filtering by the UOM unit factor. Users can set a min/max value and by default, any order with a line item within the min/max will be returned. An Exact Match checkbox is also included to enable matching all line items of an order.
  • When performing a Move in both Web and Mobile, users can now select a destination bin with a different UOM unit factor and the system will automatically calculate the pack quantity. This allows full or partial moves and unit factor conversion in one function. Note: SKU, lot, and expiration date must match to be valid for a move.


  • Sets (Synsets) view was updated to support UOMs. Changes include:
    • Ability to select UOM when creating or editing a Synset
    • Ability to include a UOM (name) when managing Synsets via CSV
    • Display of the UOM name when viewing configured Synsets
    • Available Qty now accounts for UOM to ensure accurate inventory reporting to sales channels.
  • API Errors now includes a Create Alias shortcut button within the detail section of an order.
  • API Errors➝Re-check Errors was updated to validate against Aliases to allow the order to clear if a new Alias was created to resolve a SKU error.

Bug Fixes

  • WMS
    • Fixed an issue where an order that was reverted to Processing may have inaccurate minutes recorded in the timestamp.
  • OMS
    • Fixed an issue where the UOM Alias name was not passing in the orders/shipped_v3 webhook.
    • Fixed an issue where a divided order may lose its Hold Until date when editing the order.