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Currently there are 2 way to apply a mark up to shipping on the prices account: Under shipping methods "Global Mark ups" and Customer Discounts "Customer specific mark ups/downs" The shipping methods option only allows for a % to be assigned where the Customer discounts allows a % or a flat rate.
Having the flat rate option at the global level would help to account for certain types of shipping methods that are unique to each warehouse and are not tied to a cost ShipEdge has access to.
As an example: If there is a pick method set up where the warehouse allows an end user to pick an order up at the warehouse there may be a certain fee that is billed for this. As a global setting the warhouse can set up a % mark up but since when the order is shipped no cost will be pulled in it will still bill as $0. A flat rate mark up would allow the warehouse to provide a standard price to customer for what different unique shipping options cost, set these costs up globaly and always have them billed when an order ships. A few example of activities warehouses are doing where unless someone knows to go in and bill back after the fact the warehouse is not billing the needed amount.
Someone wants to attach a 3rd party label Pick>Label attached
Someone wants to send someone to pick up an orer>Pick > Client pick up
Someone wants weights and DIMS> Pick > Weights and Dims
All of the above are standard activites we bill for and have standard rates for. Currently each new account someone need to remember to go in and allocate the cost under "Customer Discounts" which is the only location we have access to a flat rate amount that is added to a shipping method. Globally would be a better, faster, more universal way to handle this.
Thank you for your feedback. If a global way is not possible, we can probably do a default value. Implementing a global flat markup will require careful configuration since it would affect already set values at the customer level.
I think a default value would be perfect in that it still makes certain that when new accounts sign up no one needs to remember to go in and add these costs to their account.