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If an account wants to review all reoplenishments, or all corrections that were made on an item, the only way to currentlt handle this is to go to the history tab and go page by page to locate the non order lines by looking at the comment field. This page should be updated to have a colum just for the type of activity, Re - Count, Replenihsment, Order etc. Additionally adding a search box that allows the user to search for the specific activity they are looking for would be a good start.
In the long term the histroy page should be split into activity with more detials. Replenishments that show the quantitiy orders vs the quantitiy received without needing to click away from the page. Ciorrections that were made, and the reason they were made.
For now though just away to sort the availailable information would be a big win.
Thank you for the feedback! Good news, SKU History is receiving a big update in our next version release. Several new columns will be available which provide more information as well as the ability to search within them allowing users to easily filter and display the information they are looking for.
So for instance, in the Action column, you can search "Replenishment" or "Re - Count" to filter for those results. We have also added the ability to export to CSV or Excel, which will export whatever is on the page, up to 100 per page, or the filtered results if searching. Attached is a preview of the OMS History view.
The WMS BIN History is also receiving a similar update providing better visibility on bin details and easier filtering/searching.
We don't have a specific release date just yet, but the team is working diligently to wrap up some of the remaining items in the release. A banner will appear on your server approximately 2 weeks before the update along with a link to the changelog for all the version details.